Make a page Monday | Week 2

This year I really want to focus on telling the stories of our lives. The stories of today, yesterday and tomorrow. To capture a snapshot of what my boys are into right now and what makes up their personalities as it is here and now, before they get even bigger. This past week I spent some time organizing our scrapbook albums and looking through the boys scrapbooks. Yes there is a lot recorded, but there still remains so many gaps from the past few years as life has gotten busier. Since I started recording our life via project life, my scrapbook layouts became few and far between (especially for the older two boys). The more I looked through the albums, the more I realized that I missed out on so much. There are so many stories I still want to tell. I truly wish I would have focused on recorded the little things more often. Of course, I am so thankful for each and every page I have created for them throughout the years, and for the years I have recorded with Project Life. Lots of those little details are forever saved in those albums. As time has passed (and it is doing so at an alarming rate) so have those little moments and pieces of what life is like right now. It is easy to forget all the little things that made up life at any given time. It is my hope to focus on the stories of life a little bit more this year :)

This page was created the night I came to this realization. I pulled out a few recent photos of Aiden and his new stuffed BFF. Right now he loves all his "stuffies" as he calls them. He loves to give them names and have them share his daily routines with him. This one is a new favorite thanks to a recent trip and I wanted to record the story of them, before it is no more.


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