Goodbye 2014!

Wow 2014, you were pretty much a blur! How in the world has another year come and gone already!? As my boys get older the days just seem to go by faster, and of course as a mom I want them to slow down ;) This year was packed full of sports, school activities, goodbyes and new beginnings, road trips and along the way we created lots of great memories!! 

To wrap up the year I created my traditional year in review layout:

This layout is something I started in 2006, when I was a paper scrapper, and have been creating one each year. Every January they hang in our hallway and then find their home as the title page of each yearly scrapbook! I love them so much that when I went digital in 2009 I created a template for myself to make the process that more simple. I am happy to share that now you can get this template, and start your own yearly tradition, in my shop!

 Here are a look at the layouts I have created over the past few years:

You can see years 2004-2008 HERE and read all about how I went about creating this layout as a paper scrapper :)


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