Ready, anxious, and waiting...

for Halloween!!! Yes, it is a bit early, but Drew knew what he wanted to be and we knew if we didn't gt the costume now, The Disney Store wouldn't have one. So here he is in all his glory!!! My evil little Captain Hook :)

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Dylan's costume is in the mail...hopefully we will get it soon, he is going to be Peter pan!


  1. yea...candy time is just around the corner...with the sweet smell of cider & donuts from the mill...
    it's just something you never forget!
    say hi to all for us!

  2. Can't believe it's already that time of year!!! I miss the donuts & apple cider too!!!

  3. OMG, how cute is he?!?!
    LOVE the costume, and his precious little expression!!! =)


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