Another Tag, stolen...

Ok, I seriously need help. I can't stop doing these stinkin tag things!! I guess I am just not that interesting to think up other stuff to write about, so this will do, for now...

Saw this on Chris' BLOG, and thought it woudld be a fun one :)

What scrapbooking lines/products/etc do you DISlike? Not a big fan of Junkitz stuff, although I have used some, and the new stuff looks ok. There is just something about it,..

What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to scrap? The last photo we had taken of my grandma a month before she passed away. It was hard not to cry the entire time I scrapped it.

What technique do you use more than any other? lately it had been cutting flowers and shapes from patterned paper.

Ever been published? Justonce, September 2005 CK. I would love to be publised more, but I am just so bad at the whole sumbitting thing!!

What’s the smallest scrap of paper you save? oh I am so bad at saving scraps. I used to save everything, but now I have been trying to get better at throwing out the small is just so hard, the paper is just too pretty!! lol

Ever have any scrapbooking-related injuries? Just the usual scrapping injuries, cut fingers with the papertrimmer & exacto.

Finish the sentence… “If I wasn’t a scrapbooker, I would spend my money….” on other stuff. I would like to be able to say I wouldn't spend so much....but who am I kidding!! I would buy stuff for the house, clothes, purses (love buying purses), stuff at Target,...oh this list could go on and on!!

Give us your best storage or organizational idea. My paper storage, stored verically in one mesh bin. Also my clear glass jars filled with ribbons.

You just won a week-long scrapbooking cruise for 4. Who’s going with you? I don't know, I usually scrap alone so I will pick people I have scrapped with...Erica, Sarah, Rachel, and Steph!!

TAG 6 - to heck with that, I 'll tag whomever wants to play. So if you are reading this right now, guess what? YOU ARE IT!!!


  1. subject> we're still waiting... miss rubber lips!
    And: for my *new* ultimate experience> Scrapbooking!! and about 100 years of pic's to start sorting out and begin my scrapping with...HELP
    (as for right now: I'm just trying to figure the best organizing solutions for a set-up)
    Love ya

  2. Still waiting on the "Great News"!!!


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